09793182437, 09161004525
Admission Rules

Please Follow The Steps For The Registration Of Your Child Given Below :
Collect the registration form from the school or download from the website
Duly filled form is to be deposited on the office counter with the documents as instructed below :

1:-Registration Fee ( The fee will be informed at the time of admission test.This fee is non refundable )
2:-A Xerox copy of the Birth Certificate of your ward
3:-If your ward is taking admission in class – IInd onward, then the Transfer Certificate is to be submitted with the form.
4:-Four Passport size photograph ( Two photographs will be pasted and two will be attached with)
5:-A Xerox copy of the Id Proof of the mother/ father / guardian

The selection of the candidate will be depended on the following points :

1:-Personal behavior , expressiveness and the oral presentation of the child.
2:-The result of the Admission Test is the base of the selection .
3:-Availability of seats also matters for the selection of the child

1:-The fee must be submitted within the time
2:-The last date of submission of fee will be informed at the time of Admission Test.
3:-The decision of Principal / Chairman will be the final for all the matters related to admission